Please click on the headings below for MFF’s publications on each subject:
Deconstruction / Reclaimed Wood
Electronics Recycling & Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)
Financing Assistance
Recycling Business Development Ideas
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Deconstruction / Reclaimed Wood
Deconstruction Case Studies
Five case studies highlight deconstruction programs that received funds through a MFF/EPA mini-grant program. Funding provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region IX, under the Source Reduction and Recycling Initiative of the US Climate Change Action Plan. Each issue features a different approach to put deconstruction programs into action. September 2001.
- Public/Private Partnership
- Welfare-to-Work Program
- Youth Training Program
- Joint Venture
- Wood Reuse
Deconstruction: Salvaging Yesterday’s Buildings for Tomorrow’s Sustainable Communities
by Kivi Leroux and Neil Seldman, 1999. 28 pages. $15.00.
This booklet gives an overview of deconstruction as an industry. It provides case studies, reveals common obstacles to deconstruction and protential solutions, and discusses policies that do and could support deconstruction at local, sate, and national levels of government. Explains how communities can use deconstruction to produce locally-based and environmentally-sound community economic development; provides contacts and resources for further information. Order
Deconstruction Video
April 1998. 10 minutes. $15.00.
Provides an overview of deconstruction as an industry; has onsite interviews with deconstruction advocates, practicioners, and California lawmakers. Order
Overview of the Market for Reclaimed Lumber in the San Francisco Bay Area
by Jefferson Recycled Woodworks, 24 pages. Nov. 1997. $5.00. Order
Electronics Recycling
Alternative Methods for Recycling, Processing and Handling CRTs, September 2001.
CRT Glass-to-Glass Recycling, 9/01
CRT Smelting, 1/02
Electronics Recycling End Markets, coming soon…
Model Agreements for Contracting Electronics Recyclers, coming soon…
Sponsored by the Alameda County Waste Management Authority and the
Alameda County Source Reduction and Recycling Board.
Bay Area Electronic Recycling: From the Corporate Office to the Curbside
April, 1999. 24 very large (11″x17″) pages..
Maps the type, flow and volume of the electronic waste stream in the San Francisco Bay Area and shares conclusions regarding recycling and collection systems, laws, and opportunities. Download Free PDF Version l Order print version Free of charge.
Curriculum Guide for Computer Recycling and Repair Employment Training
Prepared by Silke Queck. 1998. 9 pages.
Develops a computer recycling and repair curriculum standard. A standardized curriculum will provide repair students students with a basic set of recognized skills and will also assist them in efforts to pursue permanent employment or qualify for advanced training. Download Free PDF Version l Order print version $2.00
End-of-Life Consumer Electronic And Electrical Products In The Alameda County And City of San Francisco Municipal Waste Streams: An Investigation of Models for Community Economic Development
by Sheila Davis. 1998. 77 pages plus Appendices.
Download Free PDF version l Order print version $10.00
Fact Sheets (free PDF versions)
Local Legislative Alternatives
Financing Assistance
Financing Strategies, Issue Paper #5.
Jeanne Trombly & Coy Smith. April, 1999. 6 pgs. $2.00.
Provides a synopsis of financing options for recycling based manufacturing businesses.
Download Free PDF Version . Order Print Version
Financing the Recovered Materials Industry: An Assessment of Targeted Financing Sources for the Recycling Industry
Jeanne Trombly & Coy Smith for the National Recycling Coalition. April, 1999. 20 pgs.
Provides a comprehensive analysis of financing options for recycling based manufacturing businesses . Order Print Version
Financing Resources for Community-Based Reuse and Recycling Enterprises in the San Francisco Bay Area – Issue Paper #2
Sept. 1997. Order Print Version
Revolving Loan Fund Research & Design Document
August 1994.90 pages.
Documents MFF’s experience setting up and administering, along with Oakland business Development Corporation, the four year old Revolving Loan Fund in Alameda County. While it wasn’t always easy going, it is now one of our pride and joys. See how we did it! Order Print Version
Grantwriting Tips for Community-Based Reuse and Recycling Enterprises – Issue Paper #3
Sept. 1997. 4 pages. $2.00
Order Print Version.
Newsletters: Resources for Community Development Enterprises in Recycling and Reuse
Volume 6, Issue #1: Spring 2001. Download Free PDF Version
Recycling Business Development Ideas
Manufacturing with Reused and Recycled Materials: Fifty Small Business Opportunities
December 1998. 200 pages. $40.00
Manufacturing with Reused and Recycled Materials is designed for the person interested in starting a manufacturing business with recycled materials. This guide profiles fifty different manufacturing opportunities using recycled materials such as glass, aluminum, paper, scrap material, tires, wood and plastic. It includes chapters on: how to start a recycling-based manufacturing enterprise, developing a business plan, marketing recycled products, and financing the enterprise. Appendices provide resources in the areas of financing, materials, and business and technical assistance. Order
Building A Better Tomorrow with Pan-Terre Earth Panels
October, 1995. 70 pages plus Appendices. $18.00.
An initial study to determine the potential of siting a Pan Terre manufacturing plant in the City of San Jose. Pan Terra is a product currently produced in Europe which fits the green business profile. A natural alternative to drywall, it is resistant to cracking, light in weight, has thermal and acoustic properties, is made with 100 precent recycled ingredients, contains no artificial nor toxic binders, and is itself completely recyclable. This report determined the steps necessary to introduce a new environmentally sensitive building product and have it accepted by the building industry; conducted initial market research; attempted to quantify the costs and estimate revenues, and examined and summarized necessary building codes. Order
Marketing Remanufactured & Recycled Materials to Mail Order Catalogs, Issue Paper #4. Feb 1998. 4 pages. $2.00. Download Free PDF Version . Order Print Version
Jobs In California’s Recovered Materials Economy, Issue Paper #1. 1994. 6 pages. Order Print Version